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Metallic Interior fittings

Panelling of elevator entrances, building supports, socle wainscoting, ceilings, soffits, lintels, walls, stairs

Air pipe systems

Air pipes, ventilating eyes, ventilating grids for walls and oblique roofs, air conditioning pipes

Metallic facades

Coffer panelling, metal shingle roofs, atticas, wing roofs, advertisement columns and plates

Kitchen ventilation technology

Extraction and circulation hoods, ventilation ceilings and extraction beams, air outlets

Service windows

Fast-food restaurants, cash counters, keeper’s lodges, toll counters

Industrial services

Edge parts, laser cuttings, nibbling form parts, welding constructions, powder coating, tube and profile grinding, glass bead blasting

Engineering components

Hot-air curtain appliances, socle and wall source air outlets, special outlets

Furnishings and objects of art

Furniture, accessories, custom-made specials, metal objects of art